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Nadja Rivera

Certification Status: Master Certificant

Certification Earned: June 21, 2020

Certification Expiring: June 30, 2023

Service Area: Miami , FL

Date Learning Topic/Focus Area Source/Location Hours
09/05/2019 “There’s Gotta’ Be a Better Way, A New Framework for Effective Comm Dev Practice, Part I of II” A Collaborative Initiative by Bank United & the Jorge M. Perez FIU Metropolitan Ctr Online 1.00
09/25/2019 “There’s Gotta’ Be a Better Way, A New Framework for Effective Comm Dev Practice, Part I of II” A Collaborative Initiative by Bank United & the Jorge M. Perez FIU Metropolitan Ctr Online 1.00
02/07/2020 FPP 20/20 Fifth Annual Online Conference – The Future Is Now: Leading-Edge Practices for Serving Your Community in 20/20 Online 3.00
05/14/2020 FPP May 2020 Monthly Virtual Session – “Future Bound: Enhancing Educational Attainment with Children’s Savings Accounts” Online 1.00
05/27/2020 FPP 20/20 Virtual Conference Opening Plenary – Futurists Exploring Financial Capability in Today’s World Online 1.00
05/28/2020 FPP 20/20 Virtual Conference Thursday Plenary – Futurists Exploring Financial Capability for Tomorrow’s World Online 1.00
05/28/2020 FPP 20/20 Virtual Conference Closing Plenary - A Peer Over the Fence - Seeing Community Financial Capability Grow Now, and... Online 1.00
08/27/2020 F5: Third Annual FPP Financial Focus (Virtual) FilmFest 1.0 Online 3.00
06/22/2020 Virtual Mentor Prep Session for FPP’s Bright Minds, Fresh Ideas Think Tank, a NAF Future Ready Lab Virtual Summer Internship Online 1.00
Total: 13.00